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Town Forum

The Broadstairs and St Peter’s Town Forum is an initiative to enhance community liaison between all groups and societies in Broadstairs and St.Peter’s. All attendees have the common goal of improving the facilities and well-being of the residents and visitors to the town.

The Town Forum is an informal meeting, with no agenda or minutes, it gives attendees the opportunity to network and discuss matters of mutual interest for the benefit of the community. 

The next Town Forum meeting is scheduled for:
Wednesday 21st February 2024 

7pm at Retort House, Albion Street Broadstairs 

Come along to hear and discuss the latest developments at the Town Council.

If you would like to attend on behalf of a community group, organisation or company please sign up to our mailing list and meeting register below:

Sign up to our Town Forum mailing list to receive updates and agendas:

Town Forum Mailing List  

Town Forum Register

22 February 2024
Last Updated
22 March 2024