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Neighbourhood Plan Evidence Base 2nd Edition

1. Regulation 14 Neighbourhood Development Plan 2nd Edition

2. Regulation 14 response to comments on the NDP 2nd Edition 

3. Schedule of amendments to regulation 14 NDP

4.  Regulation 15 consultation statement: Updated July 2022

5a. AECOM Design Codes: Adopted October 2021/ Updated December 2022 

5b. Consultation Note AECOM Design Code 

6.  Locally Listed Buildings Background Document version 2 October 2022

7. Broadstairs & St. Peter’s Town Council Environmental Strategy:  Version 1 

8. Version 9 Tree Strategy 2022
Background report written by BSPTC Volunteer Tree Warden, Karen McKenzie   

9. Tree Strategy Project Policy Recommendations  – Approved By Planning Committee 2nd August 2021 

10. Local Green Spaces Update Document:  

11. Significant Routes and Views Background Document: A background document setting out all of the key views and routes in the Broadstairs & St. Peter’s area

12. SEA And HRA Screening Determination and SEA and HRA Screening Report August 2022:  Thanet District Council Strategic Environment Assessment & Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Report  

13. Marked document showing where the NDP 2nd Edition (Reg 14)  has been updated compared with the NDP 1st Edition

14. Modification Statement  – Statement to Thanet District Council’s Strategic Planning explaining changes made to the Neighbourhood Plan 2nd Edition (Reg 14)

15. Modification Statement Regulation 16 – Statement to Thanet District Council’s Strategic Planning explaining changes made to the Neighbourhood Plan 2nd Edition Regulation 16

16. Examiner’s Initial Letter

17. Town Council response to Examiner 

18. TDC Response to Examiner Questions 

19. Examiner’s Report

20. TDC Decision Statement 

21. Referendum Declaration of Results 

22. TDC ‘Made’ Decision Statement 

22 February 2024
Last Updated
19 March 2024